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Thursday, 26 February 2009

maii the chef (:

mai success buat CHICKEN PIE!!!!! nyum3!!! mai moody wa td xnyaa ngam tia jua btahlil drumah so buat mkanan make me feel better xD xD weheee~
before msukkan dlm oven neeh xD nmpk tu telur nya kilat2 mseh hahah xp
ane dh kuar oven~ weheee~ pnas2 tym td toh~ heheh xpready to eat!!! nyum2 hehehe xp kmuuu~ cium bau ja ahh hahah xp eh na dpt liat ja aaa xp

done by mai the chef!! xD xD nanti mai buat kn kmu ahhH~ hahah xp


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